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• Improv is inherently based on both vulnerability and trust and we place extreme importance on providing a safe, supportive learning environment that fosters creativity and growth. We expect the same from our students. If a student’s conduct is threatening, inappropriate, or causes others in class to be uncomfortable, we reserve the right to remove them from the class, upon further investigation and discussion with the committee. This removal may be permanent depending on the circumstances with no monetary compensation offered.


• Our number one goal at Improv-LA is to provide a safe, fun, and inclusive space for all people to express themselves through improv. Improv fosters friendships that can extend beyond the classroom. It is each person’s responsibility to use sound judgement with others.


• Every participant has the right to set and adjust their own personal boundaries for communication and contact both inside and outside of class with any other participant however they see fit. Every participant with Improv-LA is expected to fully respect the boundaries of others at all times.


• It is a priority of us to foster an organizational culture of diversity and inclusion and we welcome everyone to bring along with them diverse life experiences, including every permutation of economic and cultural backgrounds, orientation, ethnicity, and points of view. We are committed to building an equitable and thriving environment for BIPOC, Latinx, APIMEDA, and LGBTQIA+ communities, persons with disabilities, and all who may otherwise be marginalized or underrepresented in our business and around our community.


• We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.. Behavior that intentionally fails to honor boundaries, ridicules, sexualizes, stereotypes, demeans, debases, gaslights, or manipulates others will result in that participant being asked to leave the program with no monetary compensation offered.

How To Report Misconduct


We have contracted a third party reporting system: Red Flag Reporting. You can report concerns safely, securely and anonymously 24/7.

If you are uncomfortable with a situation, be proactive.

Red Flag Reporting is your hotline for:

  • Misconduct

  • Safety violations

  • Unethical behavior


To file a report, remember our Client Code is “LAIMPROV” and pick one of the following options:

You may also use the following (be sure to be detail oriented, provide our client code, and indicate if you wish to be anonymous or not):

This account is shared by: The Clubhouse, Improv-LA, WGIS, Shared Experience and WE Improv. Once you file a report -- these organizations will investigate promptly. You have the option to not include any of these organizations when you submit.

If A Report Is Filed


After a report is filed, and if it involves any of the schools directly, the committee will investigate. If that’s not appropriate, we’ll contract a third party to investigate. Investigation will include speaking to all sides of the issue, documenting what’s found and informing all parties of the decision in a timely manner.


Our primary goal will be to point out the problem and provide a clear path/guidelines for making needed changes. Depending on the severity of the issue, possible responses to reports of misconduct include: warnings, suspensions, bans for a limited time or permanently, and filing charges with the police.


We also knows that mistakes may be made without ill-intent and are opportunities to learn. Not everything is a bannable offense. Where communication can help, we will use that first. We do not believe in “good” versus “bad” people – it is behavior that needs to be identified and addressed.

Thank you!

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